<– 7 – Web Design: HTML and CSS | 9 – Impact of Computing –>

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit students will be able to:

  • Explain the basic process by which code written by a human is converted into machine instructions that a computer can carry out
  • Explain the difference between high- and low-level programming languages
  • Define the term abstraction, especially as it relates to high-level programming languages, functions, and objects
  • Explain the difference between compiled and interpreted languages
  • Show their ability to find bugs in code
  • Use the software development cycle by designing, implementing, testing, and iteratively improving code
  • Write functioning code using logic and loops
  • Justify the use of functions and algorithms in relationship to abstraction
  • Create a program using code that solves a problem or need

Suggested Reading

Important Videos

Important Vocab

  • AND – basic logic gate where every part of a statement must be true for the entire statement to be true
  • Binary Search – a searching algorithm, used on sorted lists, that divides the number of elements to search in half until it is down to one element
  • Constant – used in coding to store a value that cannot be changed
  • Debugging – finding errors in code
  • Design – Implement – Test – thethree steps of the iterative development process
  • Incremental – done in small chunks
  • Iterative – continuously repeating steps, achieved in programming by using loops
  • Linear Search – a searching algorithm that starts at the first index and checks each element of the list one by one until it finds the item it is searching for
  • OR – basic logic gate where any part of a statement can be true for the entire statement to be true
  • Recursion – a function that references itself and consists of two parts: a recursive call and a base call
  • Selection – the logic structure in programming that uses if statements to select certain values
  • Sequence – the structure that runs one line after anotherin order
  • Variable – used in coding to store a value that can change

<– 7 – Web Design: HTML and CSS | 9 – Impact of Computing –>